General Reminders for Parents & Carers

Communications - All communications are sent via email so please keep regularly checking your inbox & junk folders. Text messages will be sent in emergencies ONLY. We ask that you make sure we have your most up-to date contact information, you can do this in the Arbor Parents App/ Portal
Safeguarding Purposes Medical Appointments - if your child has any medical appointments, please ensure you provide school with evidence to record on their profile. Without this we will not be able to release your child from class.
Medication - if your child needs to take medication four times per day, a medical form MUST be completed. Less than four times per day can be administered from home.
Sickness - please remember to report your child's absence either by leaving a voicemail or through [email protected] before 8:45am otherwise, your child's mark will be unauthorised.
Collection at home time - if your child is being picked up by someone else other than the parent, please ensure you either email, telephone or leave a note in the child's book informing the teacher of these arrangements. Without consent from the parent we cannot release your child to someone else.
Arriving late for school - if your child is late for school, please bring them into the office to sign in.
Meal Changes - if your child wishes to change their meal preference, please log into the school website and complete a form giving a full weeks notice. Changes will commence the first Monday after the full notice is given. You will be notified by email when the system has been updated.
Leave of Absence - please note that a request for leave of absence MUST be made at least a minimum of six weeks before the date applied for.
Thank you,
Plantation Primary School & Nursery Logo
The school Admin Team. 
Plantation Primary School & Nursery

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

Report an Absence

Child Absence Form