Advice for parents/carers

As a school we are made aware of inappropriate language and conversations via platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp amongst our pupils. We are also aware that some pupils join in group chats on these and possibly other social media services. All happening outside of school.

On a very simple level, this should not be happening as such services are all clear in their terms of use that users must be 13 years or over, in the case of WhatsApp this changed in May 2018 to 16 years or over.  Our children at Plantation are not old enough to have these accounts and not old enough to be using these services as stated in the terms of use of these companies.

While we understand there may be a conversation at home from your child saying things such as “Everyone else has it!”, and the pressure of wanting your child to not be left out; any child who has taken up an account without your permission should be challenged and the account reported and deleted.

There is much in the media about the social and emotional issues that social media services may be causing in society, particularly amongst teenagers.  We see the impact of this as a school with our young people – children aged 11 years and under.

Our stance as a school is that our children at Plantation should not have these accounts.  If you weren’t aware already, all pupils at Plantation are clearly too young to conform with the terms of use of these sites.  Armed with both these facts we ask you have a conversation with your child about social media if you deem it necessary.  We also ask, if your child has a social media account to close the account, and if your child is asking to have one say no.  Please check your child’s devices to ensure they have not set one up without your permission and if they have report it and delete it.

We talk to our pupils about eSafety and the age restrictions of social media but we need you as parents to take the next step and stop your child accessing these services.

Below are some useful links and factsheets to support your understanding.

Please ensure you are regularly checking and monitor your child’s use of devices so you know that they are safe and keeping themselves safe.

Useful links for parents/carers:

Link to report and delete an account on Instagram:

Link to report and delete an account on WhatsApp:

Information and guidance for parents about social media services:

Useful support and guidance for parents/carers:

Think U Know - containing internet safety advice for those aged from 5 to 16, along with parents and teachers, this site is produced by CEOP (the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre)

Childnet - For lots of useful advice for keeping yourselves and your children safe on the Internet.

Internet Matters - For advice about online safety

Bullying UK - For Information and advice about cyberbullying for children, parents and schools. 

NSPCC - Talking to your child about online safety.  Advice on how to start the conversation and get support if you're worried.

UK Safer Internet Centre - Tips, advice, guides and resources to help keep your child safe online.

Parent Zone - Offering information and support in understanding the digital world, to help raise resilient children.

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

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