Remote education provision

Information for parents

As of 24 March 2022, schools no longer have a legal duty to provide remote education. The DfE’s guidance is non-statutory and aims to support schools to maintain their capabilities to deliver high-quality remote education where necessary. Schools should consider providing remote education where they are required to close their premises in line with DfE guidance.

Scenarios where this might apply include:

  • When school leaders decide that the school cannot open safely, or that opening would contradict guidance from local or central government.
  • When individual pupils, for a limited period, are unable to physically attend school but are able to continue learning, e.g. a pupil has an infectious illness

In the event of an emergency e.g. adverse weather conditions, the school may be required to partially or fully close. We want to ensure you and your child understand what to expect from remote education if your child needs to learn from home. Where your child is unable to attend school, they will be provided with remote education for the period they are off – information regarding this provision is also included in this document.

The remote curriculum

If the school is required to restrict entry at short notice, we will provide workbooks for the first day or two whilst we make the necessary arrangements for remote learning.

Our school will continue to provide the same curriculum at home as we do on the school site, however, due to the nature of some lesson plans we have made amendments to certain activities, e.g. ceasing practical science lessons.

Remote teaching time

Pupils in EYFS (Nursery and Reception) and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) will receive 3 hours of remote education a day on average, with less for younger children.

Pupils in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) with receive 4 hours of remote education a day.

Remote learning approach

Remote learning is delivered in a variety of different ways, including the following:

  • Live online sessions to support wellbeing
  • Recorded lessons (video/audio recordings made by teachers)
  • Printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)
  • Reading books pupils have at home
  • Commercially available websites supporting the teaching of specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences
  • Long-term project work and/or internet research activities


In order for us to provide high-quality remote learning, we will continue to provide constructive feedback to ensure pupils are meeting the correct standards in their learning. We will use the following methods to ensure your child is learning efficiently and effectively:

  • Whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms, amongst many others
  • Asking pupils to submit work for marking at the end of the day and returning marked work via digital platforms

Accessing remote education

We are providing remote education on the following platforms:

  • Tapestry (EYFS)
  • Google Classroom

We understand that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. The following approaches are implemented to support pupils to access remote education:

  • Will issue or lend laptops or tablets to pupils, before doing this parents would need to complete an equipment loan agreement.

If your child does not have access to the necessary technology for online learning, please contact the School Office to organise paper copies of work.

Pupils with additional needs

Our school recognises that some pupils with additional needs, e.g. pupils with SEND, may not be able to access remote education without the support of an adult at home. In order to support these pupils, we will work with you to ensure they are able to access a high-quality education in the following ways:

  • Our SENCO will get in touch with you if your child has SEND to discuss how to support your child’s remote learning.
  • We will ensure pupils are provided with regular check-ins with their teachers via telephone and online meetings (where possible).

We encourage you to get in touch if you believe your child may struggle or is struggling with accessing remote education.

Remote education for self-isolating pupils

In the case that your child is required to self-isolate due to having an infectious illness, but is well enough to continue learning, the remote education they will receive may differ to what they would receive if the school were to close. These pupils will have the following support put in place for them:

  • Pupils will initially be provided with a workbook until their class teachers have organised remote learning for them.

Contacting the school

We will provide you with all the details you may need when contacting the school while your child is learning from home. When contacting the school, here are four important things both you and your child need to remember:

  1. When on a video call, sit in a suitable area, e.g. a living room with a neutral background.
  2. When on a video call, wear suitable clothing and ensure your conduct is respectful.
  3. Understand that staff may not always be able to help, but they will try their best.
  4. Remember to act in the same manner as if the school were open.

Additional information

Additional information you need to be aware of includes the following:

  • The school will provide you with all important contact information for key members of staff, including your child’s teachers and the headteacher
  • Any concerns regarding the safety of your child should be directed to the school’s designated safeguarding lead
  • Your child will not be penalised for their non-attendance during this time
  • Teachers will monitor work completed to ensure your child is still completing set work

Supporting your child’s learning

Top tips for supporting your child while they learn from home:

  • Keep to a routine as much as possible so your child knows what to expect
  • Keep active – ensure your child is getting enough exercise and incorporate this into their daily routine
  • Use different methods to assist learning, e.g. online programmes and documentaries
  • Stay sociable – organise with other parents to arrange video calls with your child’s friends so they can stay connected during social hours

For younger children, you can:

  • Incorporate learning in make-believe play.
  • Play educational games with numbers or letters and read together.
  • Involve them in things you are doing, e.g. chores, and talk with them about it.

Additional resources

The following resources can help you support your child while they are participating in the school’s remote education programme:

The above information will be reviewed annually or sooner if there are any changes to the provisions set out.

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

Report an Absence

Child Absence Form