Autumn Walk

Date: 2nd Nov 2017 @ 11:14am

We have been talking about how our environment is changing outdoors. The children have noticed the leaves changing in our nursery garden and the leaves that have fallen from the trees. This prompted us to go on an Autumn/listening walk around our school. Everybody put on their waterproofs and we were ready to go. It was like an Autumn adventure walking across the playground to the trees surrounding our school. After the strong winds the night before we found long twigs all over the path. The children picked up a stick and together we snapped them to listen to the noise. 'Crack', 'snap', 'creak'. Some children picked up dry brown leaves and made a rustling and crunching sound in their hands. Whilst keeping a look out for changes we experimented with sound too. Some children found small sticks and made tapping noises on the trees making music. The children continued to explore in our nursery woods finding orange, yellow, brown and red leaves. It was lovely to watch the children exploring their surroundings and experimenting with new vocabulary to describe their outdoor setting.



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