Home learning pack

Date: 17th Mar 2020 @ 1:33pm

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please refer to the learning pack that we have sent home with your child to assist their progress and learning whilst away from school. We have sent home copies of Maths, Spelling, Grammar and Reading activities, based on the work that your child has already completed in Year 4 so far, and some aspects of learning that they will be learning at a later date.

We will also be uploading the work electronically to our class blog on the school website, along with answers to all of the work, so please use these accordingly to assess your child’s learning where applicable. We will also be using twitter regularly to update you on any information you may require, and to provide links to useful webpages that your child can also access for free.


As well as accessing the learning pack we have sent home, please encourage your child to continue with their regular reading as often as possible and record their reading in their planners. 


Children can still access spelling shed, and spellings will be updated on the website regularly to ensure children are continuing to learn a range of spellings. The username and password has been sent home with your child this week, and should also be written in their planners.

Times Tables

As you are aware, Year 4 children will be partaking in the statutory times tables test later this year, therefore it is vital that your child continues with their practice as much as they can at home. Times Tables Rockstars is a useful website for this, and children have their username and password already for this, both in their planners and also sent home this week. We will also tweet useful websites for children to access practice times tables checks to enable them to become used to the online format.


Thanks for your ongoing support,


Mr Palmer and Miss Brown  



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Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

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