School places from Monday 23rd March

Thank you to all those who have completed our 'key worker' form today.  This has helped us to get a picture of potential school places after the school closure takes effect.

At this time we still do not have answers to essential questions such as the definitive list of key workers or whether one or both parents must be a key worker.

Before school can open on Monday 23rd March, we must be able to ensure that it can open safely.  This means ensuring that staff and pupil ratios are effective to ensure children are safe.

Government guidance does state that there are limits on how many children can be provided with a place and we will have to prioritise places.

When we receive government guidance on the matter we will respond as quickly as we can and contact those parents deemed eligible.  Children should not be brought to school on Monday until their parents/carers have received confirmation of a place from School.

Thank you for your patience

Contact Us

Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

Report an Absence

Child Absence Form