New routines

Thank you to all our parents and children this morning.

As it was the first time for everyone for a totally new way of coming in it was very busy but we hope you were able to find your way around the school site and follow your routes.

Please make sure you have looked at the maps and videos of the routes for home time and ensure you keep to the timings for coming to school.  All of this information can be found on the website at:

It is important that we keep to the times set out as this is when the relevant staff from that year group will be sending children out.  So, for example, if you are collecting a Year 2 child they will not be ready for collection until 3.30pm as Year 1 children will be leaving at 3.15pm.

Staff are around on site to help direct while staff from the specific classes are at the relevant doors for accepting children in and sending children out.

Please remember that we politely ask parents and carers not to congregate at the school gates once you have dropped your child off.  It is important that we keep the area in school clear and also the areas directly outside of school too.

It was a busy morning, and new routines above and beyond our usual September start back.  Like anything new it can be a little confusing at first but we hope you quickly get to know your way around and the staff supporting your children at arrivals and home times.

The more we do these routines the better we will get at it – practise makes perfect!

Please help us by keeping to your times and following the one way systems.

Thank you

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Plantation Primary School

Hollies Road, Halewood, Knowsley L26 0TH

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